Yoga for Cancer (Part 2)
Gone are the days when people consider cancer as end of life. The changing time has changed the perceptions too. For a better future, treat the illness in calm manner and yoga is the best option in this regard. Post cancer surgery, many cancer patients practice yoga in order to reconnect with body and endure pain in the calm manner. There are several cancer patients who are thankful to yoga as yoga has given them the meaningful life. Below are the aspects of Yoga Practice in Regard to Cure Cancer?
Science of Pranayama:
In many stances it is seen, that those who practice yoga can deal with emotional and physical ailments in a better way. Moving postures help in restoring physical functioning as well as well-being of a person. Many yoga survivors go for Pranayama to relax mind and body both. Pranayama is an effective way to connect with the spirit. Not only this, it is one of the best ways to overcome anxiety that one goes through during Chemotherapy. It is thus always recommended to learn how to take deep breath and full breath in the severe situations for better outcome. It is scientifically proven that deep breathe help in releasing gaseous chemicals and bring back sumptuous of oxygen into lungs. For more powerful effects, abdominal breathing and extended exhalations are the best options for cancer patients.
Cultivating mindfulness:
Mindfulness is yet another way that helps cancer patients to deal with the horrible cancer treatment. It simply helps maintain optimistic thoughts pattern. As a result, the patient does protect his/her own immune system. That is why, mindfulness is considered powerful approach that cut down the prevalent tensions in mind before one moves for chemotherapy during crucial cancer treatment.
Role of simple yoga postures:
Asana practice helps to reconnect with body. The regular asana practice help to experience that your body is still capable and reliable to work with. After going through surgery, strong radiations and painful chemotherapy, the yoga postures works magically. Different yoga postures also contribute in regaining the lost body strength and flexibility. Besides this, regular yoga postures, give relief to muscles and joints.
Note: Please practice yoga under proper guidance as wrong methods can cause extreme discomfort and pain in body and mind. The best yoga teachers are available at Rishikesh Yoga Prakash. Thus, go for regular Yoga practice and feel blissful even when you are in the clutches of cancer.
Yogi Prakash