Padangusthasana – To increase blood flow to the brain
The Big Toe Pose or Padangusthasana is an easy standing Yoga Pose that stretches the back of the body. At the same time, it is helpful in improving digestion and elimination of waste products out of the body. This pose is good for those who have a flat feet. This is very basic posture and very well known to stretch entirely the entire back of the body. It can be a perfect posture to relax in between the backward bending and forward bending yoga postures.
You will love this pose if you know how to do it correctly. The benefits of the posture can be immediately felt, but in order to get maximum benefits, one should do this pose of regular basis. We should not forget what Patanjali said in his yoga sutra: practice yoga for a longer period of time, regularly, without interruption. Once you follow this sutra, you will get lots of benefits from all the postures. Now, let’s see how to do this pose.
- Stand straight and keep a little space between your legs (roughly half a feet). Both arms resting by the side of the body. Advance practitioners can keep the legs together as well. For the beginners it is recommended to keep the legs slightly apart, so they don’t loose the balance.
- It is not recommended to press the tip toes while standing straight or bending forward.
- To start this pose, as you begin to inhale, raise your both arms towards the sky.
- As you begin to exhale, bend forward from your waist with keeping the back as straight as possible. Especially for those, who have lower back issues, they should focus on keeping the back straight. One should not think that how fast they can touch the toes.
- Allow the body to come forward and try reaching your palms or fingertips to the floor (in front of your toes).
- If you are not able to reach your arms to the floor, please bend your knees but avoid rounding your back. Please remember not to lean forward, so avoid pressing the tip toes on the floor.
- Try to grab your big toes (for the same leg, same hand) and bend your elbows to stretch your upper half body. This will gradually bring your abdomen towards the thighs and chest closer to the knees.
- If your hamstring muscles are very tight, keep the knees bend, otherwise make you legs go straight.
Padangusthasana’s health Benefits :
- Excellent pose for runners as it helps release tension from hamstring muscles, calf muscles, back of the knees and lower back as well.
- Very helpful in prevention of diabetes.
- If you experience stiffness in spine, this pose is very useful for you. This pose will help you to stretch the spine and can help cure back pain.
- It help to improve balance and concentration power.
- If you often feel nervous, this is a good posture for you.
- In this pose, the student gets gentle benefits of inversion. You will get a better blood supply towards all the organs above the heart, like your brain, eyes, ears, important glands as well as your facial muscles.
- for those who often feel gastric problems, this posture can be very useful.
- Useful in digestive disorders including indigestion and constipation.
Therapeutic Applications :
- Athletes benefit from this pose as it opens up the hamstrings and allows for greater speed and mobility. Reducing back strain also lowers the risk of injury on field.
- Reduces stress and anxiety and fatigue
- Calms the mind and soothes the central nervous system, reduces depression.
- May help treat infertility, sinusitis, osteoporosis, asthma, insomnia and headaches, the symptoms of menopause
Precautions :
- If you suffer from any type of back injury, try this pose with your knees bent.
- You can also try the Ardha Padangusthasana instead of the complete Padangusthasana, if you suffer from chronic back pain.
- It is recommended not to close the eyes, if you are an absolute beginner
- If you have lower blood pressure, please keep the eyes open as well.
Yogi Prakash