Things You Need To Know About Yoga
August 11, 2019
The most chosen fitness program these days is none other than Yoga. We usually blindly ape others without knowing truths prior adopting something new into our life. If you have started practicing Yoga since few days or if you are planning to add it into your daily routine then wait! Here are few things you need to know about yoga before you start.
Facts about Yoga:
- Yoga is the biggest done healthy fitness activity around the globe. According to a study, 1 in 5 performs this ancient practice on the daily basis.
- Yoga is a science which can be traced back five thousand years ago. Today it is just renowned but most sought for in almost every part of the seven continents in the world.
- Yoga is associated with country like India. Most of the people have seen Yoga as above philosophy, a symbol of India and why not after all, its birth place is India.
- During Victorian period, Swami Vivekananda spread Yoga in the air. He put all his efforts in making Indians believes that Yoga has ability to bring high level of understanding via meditation.
- Hatha Yoga is the technique for breath controlling as well as performing postures
- Yoga is purely ancient. The word Yoga is a Sanskrit word implying animal’s yoke. It is also denoted as entire war chariot. It also implies warlike. People in 15th century believed that charioteer killed in the battlefield taken up in heaven in divine Yoga
- In Sanskrit language, Yoga also means constellation of stars and even as quality of sincerity
- Studies explored that Yoga postures help to control breath and meditation is helpful in controlling blood pressure and heart rate
- Yoga is helpful for all age groups. The regular Yoga practice showed a drastic change in managing health issues.
- Asthmatics are seeking lots of benefits from Yoga. It helps to lessen down the chronic inflammatory airway condition as compared to conventional care.
Avail Yoga Course for systematic learning:
Are you curious to learn Yoga? Confused where you catch right Yoga course? Not to worry, we suggest you for Rishikesh Yoga Prakash or RYP. This is the right place for learning yoga to its fullest.
Yogi Prakash